Girl, Let That Go Vol. 1 introduces you to eight women who have overcome hurt, unforgiveness, family trauma, unhealthy relationships, etc., and decided to no longer be slaves to them.
In these stories, each author speaks wholeheartedly while sharing the blueprints of escaping bondage and walking in your God-given authority. Each woman shares from a different viewpoint and life experience, but their common desire is to see other women released from the chains of the past. Their stories are designed to unshackle you from old thought patterns and, through repentance, realize that elevation may be your portion through the simple step of release.
As you meet these resilient women, may you gain the strength, wisdom, and knowledge to forget those things behind you and press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
You can purchase from Walmart, Barnes and Noble, Amazon and more global planforms. This book is around the world in different languages,
Speaking Engagement Topics For Book:
*The Dangers of Pleasing Others
*You Still Can*You are not Your Circumstances& More
*Pushing Through Distractions
Blessed Not Broken introduces you to ten women who have overcome their broken dreams and circumstances to receive varied, but wonderful blessings and lessons. Each author tells her unique story about dreaming, planning, working, failing, praying, and becoming the CEO of her own business, her family, her purpose-driven life.
In these stories, these women also speak frankly and openly about the challenges of honoring promises made to spouses, to their children, to themselves, and ultimately, to God. Though each woman is distinct, and the particular struggles each faces are different, their shared quest to fulfill God’s purpose, and rise to their potential is the inspirational thread that binds them all together.
As you meet these valiant women through the stories they tell, be touched, be motivated, be entertained, be changed… be blessed.
Blessed Not Broken ranked #1 in 8 categories.
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Speaking Engagement Topics For Book:
*Making A Powershift
*The Power of Your Words
*Affirm Your Way In
The latest addition to the Soul Series, Soulful Affirmations: 365 Days of Positive Thoughts and Lessons to Start Your Day will be your consistent reminder to push past obstacles and create a habit that will result in the life you want. The Authors in this book deliver affirming words intended to penetrate your thoughts, change the way you see yourself, and inspire action.
Intentionally speaking life and encouragement over ourselves is a powerful tool. Therefore, allow these soul-stirring lessons to flush out negativity and excuses and pour into you hope and positivity that will increase your level of faith, bolster your self-awareness, advance you in business, grow and develop you in God’s mindfulness and love, and transform you from the inside out.
To Order Your Autographed Copy Click Below
Speaking Engagement Topics For Book:
*Making A Powershift
CLS Essentials is a testimonial handbook for Coaches, Counselors, and those looking to be Coached. This masterpiece was written by the Coaches of CLS Reflection Academy, Incorporated.
The purpose of this of this book is to give tips, bring awareness and insight. With the lessons in this as a Coach or Coachee you’ll have the strategies needed to pursue a purposeful life In Ministry and the Marketplace.
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